आज में आपको cold drinks के हानिकारक प्रभाव के विषय में बता रहा हूँ! पर आप कहेंगे की ये हम भी जानते है! पर मजे की बात ये है आप जानते और फिर भी पीते है और अपने मासूम बच्चो को भी ये जहर ख़ुशी से पिलाते है! तो असल में बच्चो की सेहत खराब होने के ज़िम्मेदार तो आप स्वयं ही है! तो आपसे निवेदन है की खुद को और अपने बच्चो को इस जहर से दूर रखिए! मैंने बहुत से डॉक्टर भी देखे है जो बड़े शौक से ये सब पीते है और उनके बच्चो की सुबह शायद इन्ही cold drinks से ही होती है!
और हेल्थ के नाम आपको पता है आपके पास डॉक्टर है, दवाईया है, हॉस्पिटल्स है पर दूर दूर तक हेल्थ एक ऐसी चीज़ है जो की नहीं है! धन्य है जो देश के स्वस्थ की इतनी चिंता करते है!
खैर आज जो मैं आपको cold drinks के विषय में बता रहा हूँ ये अब की बात नहीं बता रहा हूँ बल्कि 50-60 के दशक की बता रहा हूँ जो आज भी उतनी ही सही है! और इस विषय में डॉक्टर्स ने क्या कहा और क्या रिसर्च के नतीजे थे नीचे अंग्रेजी भाषा में दिया गया है! कृपया जरूर पढ़े व दूसरों को जागरूक करें!
और साथ इसका पोलियो से जो लिंक है वो भी इसमें दिया गया है अंत में! जरूर पढ़े!
Cold Drinks Side Effects/Poisons In Cola Drinks.
We agreed that Cold drinks providing you a good taste, although refreshing and enjoyable, can have their fair share of side effects on our health. One of the most common issues is digestive troubles. The sudden intake of cold beverages can shock our digestive system, leading to bloating, gas, and discomfort. Additionally, excessive consumption of cold drinks may contribute to tooth sensitivity, as the cold temperature can weaken tooth enamel over time. It's essential to be mindful of these potential side effects and consider moderation when indulging in these icy treats. Prioritizing our well-being means making informed choices and taking care of our bodies.
(1) "Cola is loaded with habit-forming caffeine so that once the victim gets accustomed to the stimulant, he cannot very well get along without it." says Dr. Royal Lee, of the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research.
"There is only one reason for putting caffeine in a soft drink—to make it habit forming. Dr. H. W. Wiley (former director of the Food and Drug Administration) was right when he said it was against any food law to add it to a drink".
Dr. Wiley was fired when he exposed the racketeers. Other men were hired who yielded to the pressure. In some states it is against the law to sell a product of that kind and Wisconsin is one of them. The labeling law requires most manufacturers to list on the label all the ingredients (especially poison drugs) but the Cola companies get around this law and list nothing on the label. Cola is not a food but a poison, and yet it is advertised as a drink suitable for children.
A bottle of Cola contains about as much caffeine as a strong cup of coffee. Caffeine is not only a habit forming drug but it is destructive to the tissues of the stomach, eyes, nerves and kidneys. In fact there is not a part of the body that is not injured by this drug. It makes the children (and all who drink it) nervous, irritable and high strung and leads to a desire for stronger drink later on.
(2) Cola drinks contain as much as 10% sugar which is 9 times more than the body can metabolize
. (3) Colas contain artificial coloring and flavoring matter. These coal tar products are harmful drugs and have no place in the diet.
(4) The most damaging ingredient in cola drinks is the PHOSPHORIC ACID. This acid is a destroyer of the vital calcium supply in the body and even dissolves the enamel on the teeth. Phosphoric acid is made by treating phosphate rock with sulphuric acid.
The corrosive effect of colas on the teeth was noticed more than 12 years ago and experiments to prove this were begun during World War II at the Naval Research Institute and later were continued at Cornell University under a grant from the Office of Naval Research. Professor Clive McCay of Cornell made this report:
"At the Naval Research Institute" - we put human teeth in cola beverage and found that they softened and started to dissolve within a short period. They be-came soft within two days.
"In the intervening years, 1943-1950, we made numerous studies of the effect of these cola beverages upon the teeth of rats, dogs and monkeys. We have published data indicating that the molar teeth of rats are dissolved down to the gum line if the rats are well fed but given nothing to drink except cola beverage for a period of 6 months." (Journal of Nutrition, 1949 Vol. 39, p 313).
"McClure and Restarski report the decalcifying effects of acid soft drinks (such as cola drinks), rendering the tooth surface more susceptible to bacterial attack. They point out that enamel is most readily soluble in phosphoric acid (in cola drinks) exceeded only by solubility in nitric acid. Restarski reports a popular cola drink to contain 0.055 per cent by weight phosphoric acid and to have a pH of 2.6. This is considerably more than 100 times more acid than will decalcify enamel under normal mouth conditions." (From an article by Dr. Allison James, published by The Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research—No. 42).
Phosphoric acid will break down the body lecithin, cause brain fag, neurasthenia, nerve breakdown, physical apathy, mental irregularities; anemia, polycythemia, acidosis, renal (kidney) lesions, rickets, faulty calcification, a marked shift in the bone structure, unsuccessful reproduction, tetany and prevents the normal increase in size of growing children. It will inhibit all basic alkaline salts in their normal functions. It will attack the teeth and all bony tissue.
"Polio blood is low in calcium and invariably low in iron . . . The free phosphoric acid in Cola could tie up iron, calcium, manganese and probably all the respiratory metals. When they can no longer function in the action of enzymes, cells cannot generate or regenerate and this results in decomposition of body proteins that manifests itself in POLIO. Phosphoric acid slowly kills the life principle." (Duon Miller—Polio Prevention, Inc.). Credit: http://www.whale.to
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